Travel, TripAdvisor & Trust [White Paper Download]

by | December 5, 2019

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As travel websites have consolidated and Google Hotels has improved, the number of websites a traveler visits while booking their vacation has dropped drastically in the last five years. In 2015, Expedia research¹ showed that consumers visited up to 38 websites while booking; in 2017, found² that 86% of leisure travelers visit 9 websites or fewer. For some travelers, like a majority of millennials, the average number of websites visited dramatically dropped to less than five. Because of the wide range of traveler demographics, computer skills, travel frequency, and loyalty status, the actual number of
websites visited for people planning trips can be anywhere from a few to a few dozen.

Whether travelers are comparing hotel website specials to their loyalty points or OTA deals to their work travel perks program, one thing remains the same. Almost all travelers reference TripAdvisor before, during, and after they book.

What does this mean for hotels? That even if you’re doing everything right – maintaining OTA listings, adding strong SEO content to your website, creating engaging social media posts – you still won’t be able to keep up with your competition if you aren’t putting the time into TripAdvisor.

Download the white paper to learn more about:

  • How travelers use TripAdvisor when researching their next trip
  • How TripAdvisor influences buyers towards their purchasing decision
  • Ways that your hotel can take advantage of TripAdvisor to increase bookings

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Read the White Paper:


Travel, TripAdvisor & Trust