Why Guests Use Social Media DMs to Contact Hotels

It’s no secret that guests are using social media more and more in the wake of the pandemic. Social media is a simple way to digest mountains of information at breakneck speed; it’s also a place to spur future travel plans for many travelers.
When questions come up during a guest’s search, they may be turning to your DMs to send a message. Direct Messages may come across as very personal or private, but understanding why guests send you direct messages can help you frame your response, giving them a seamless experience.
Guests Expect Convenience & Speed
When a guest is looking through your social media, they may wonder about your rooms, amenities, or other available services in the area. Social media affords users the convenience of near-instant communication so that convenience carries over into their expectations when they message you.
For many users, social media DMs are nearly the equivalent of sending a text. Guests DMing your property on any social media platform expect that you receive it and answer them quickly since the platforms are more readily accessible and available than, say, the typical e-mail. As the expected response time is minimal, guests also expect short, professional responses.
When replying to a DM online, be sure to address the person directly if possible. Thank them for reaching out, and again, keep the reply quick. Some questions are easier to answer than others, and not all may be simple yes or no responses. However, you don’t have to worry about getting bogged down in details since you communicate directly with the guest.
Unable to Find Your Website
Another reason guests may resort to messaging you directly on social media is that they may not find what they are looking for on your website. If their question isn’t easily answerable right from the front page, they may decide that sending a quick DM will get them the answer they need right away.
Mitigate these questions in your inbox by keeping your website up to date. Any policy changes or capacity limits related to COVID-19 should be visible immediately. If you have a page dedicated to Frequently Asked Questions or further policy information at your property (regarding pets, cancellations, etc.), be sure that page is easy to find from your homepage.
The more information you can make easily accessible to potential guests, the more you can keep guests informed and lessen the need to reach out.
Similarly, a guest can reach out through direct messages because they have a question the information on your OTA did not cover. Much like your website, you should keep your OTA up to date to mitigate the need for travelers to reach out.
Answering Direct Messages Using TMG OneView®
Regardless of why a guest reached out to you, you’ll need to be quick on your feet to give them a good impression of your property. However, unless you’re refreshing each social platform continually throughout the day, you may miss a message. Signing in separately to each app may also be inconvenient when you have other higher priority matters at your hotel.
TMG OneView® is our all-in-one reputation management dashboard that allows hotels to access all their social media platforms in one place. You’ll receive notifications for new Direct Messages or @Mentions that will help you manage and respond to each potential guest effectively.
Learn more about how our social media services help hotels on our social media page.