Promoting Gender Equality at Your Hotel

by | March 4, 2022

March is Women’s History Month, so it seems like a good time to evaluate gender equality in the hospitality industry. As an industry, we are constantly striving for improvement, and while women are still underrepresented in hospitality, the numbers are growing. It’s important that you make every effort to promote gender equality within your hotel or group of hotels so that you can foster an environment that all employees can feel comfortable in.

Making Your Workplace Gender Inclusive

Having a gender-inclusive workplace starts with having a diverse staff. However, it’s more than just your staff that makes the workplace inclusive: you need to have policies that reflect your commitment to inclusivity. 

Providing both mothers and fathers with maternity/paternity leave not only shows you care about all employees but gives an extra incentive for employees to stick around. When employees are happy, their quality of work goes up and they’re more likely to stay at the job longer. Which helps with turnover rates.

Another way to make your hotel an all-inclusive workspace is to have gender-neutral bathrooms for any LGBTQ+ staff members, such as those who are non-binary, that may feel more comfortable using a non-gendered restroom. In addition, one of the simplest ways to show you are inclusive is to ask for employees’ pronouns. This shows that you are accepting and respectful of their identity and goes a long way in helping them feel comfortable.

How a Gender Inclusive Workplace Impacts Staffing and Reputation

With staffing still an issue in the hospitality industry – check out this article for more information – hoteliers need to do everything in their power to attract and keep staff. Having a gender-inclusive workplace looks great to prospective employees, especially women and those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Showing that your hotel is a safe space for employees of all genders will make staff feel welcome and encourage them to do their best work. When your staff is given consideration and respect, they tend to perform better, which will reflect positively for your hotel in guest reviews.

The more you take care of your employees, the more they’ll take care of guests, and the better reviews and higher ratings you’ll get. When guests feel the superior service from happier employees, they’re more likely to enjoy their stay. Potential guests are also more likely to stay at your property if they see you have an inclusive staff because it shows your hotel is welcoming of all people and isn’t that what hospitality is all about?

Promoting Gender Diversity on Social Media

Showcasing a gender-inclusive work environment on social media is a great way to demonstrate your hotel’s commitment to diversity to both future guests and potential employees. This gives them a chance to clearly see your hotel’s values.

One way you can promote gender diversity is by featuring your employees. You don’t have to focus exclusively on your staff’s gender identity; showing a picture, giving their name and pronouns, and a brief description of why they are being featured (i.e. excellent customer service) should be enough to get the message across.

These employee spotlights can be implemented throughout your hotel’s social media strategy. If you’re struggling with creating and posting content regularly, consider letting social media experts, like the ones at Travel Media Group, help you out. We create up to 5 custom posts per week and work with hotels to grow their audience, boost engagement, and drive bookings. Check out Travel Media Group’s social media solution for hotels today!